Record Your Video & Upload It To The Cloud We Will Do Everything Else...


Record Your Video & Upload It To The Cloud We Will Do Everything Else...

5 Minute Video On Who We Are

From simple edits to more advanced scripts & storytelling
Introducing a team with a unique skillset

Helping You To Be More Prolific Than Perfect...

Please don't get us wrong... We have never edited in a 'ho-hum' fashion and we never will. But too many prospective clients spend hours deliberating on stuff, when what they should be doing is recording - shipping - tweaking - recording again. If you're that kind of client we would LOVE to work with you.


Helping You To Be More Prolific Than Perfect...

Please don't get us wrong... We have never edited in a 'ho-hum' fashion and we never will. But too many prospective clients spend hours deliberating on stuff, when what they should be doing is recording - shipping - tweaking - recording again. If you're that kind of client we would LOVE to work with you.

Got A Specific Requirement?

"A Superb Team."

I'm always on the go and I'm always videoing. Mucha has a superb team that help me when I'm on the go to stay in flow. Thank you guys - keep up the really good work!

- Colin MacLeod, Celtic Fiddle Guru

"A Superb Team."

I'm always on the go and I'm always videoing. Mucha has a superb team that help me when I'm on the go to stay in flow. Thank you guys - keep up the really good work!

- Colin MacLeod, Celtic Fiddle Guru

Got A Specific Requirement?

Here Are A Few Of Our Projects

Getting Started Online Teaser Trailer

Getting Started Online launches soon and this was the initial introduction video.

Roaming With Richness Micro Audio Summit Trailer

The Celtic Fiddle Guru launched his first summit and Video Editing Services put a wee teaser trailer together for him.

Lessons Learned From A Career In Advertising

Courtesy of Steve Harrison, widely regarded as the greatest Creative Director of his generation.

And A Few More...

David Ogilvy Classic Book Foreword

John Caples' Tested Advertising Methods' received a foreword from the Father of Modern Advertising himself, David Ogilvy

Diet & Lifestyle Trailer

YouTube channel trailer created for Wellness Cluster

Transition To Transformation Trailer

We pitched (unsuccessfully!) a podcast idea to SKY Sports. Even though they said thanks but no thanks, we had a ton of fun writing and editing this trailer.

Check Out The Video Editing Services YouTube Channel

The day job means we don't always have the time to upload this portfolio page. We do however have a ton of videos on our YouTube channel which you are welcome to visit.

Please subscribe when you get there!

Client Testimonials...

Kevin Gibson, The Boot Nurse

Colin MacLeod, Celtic Fiddle Guru

Jason, aka 'Jay'

"A Lot Of Emphasis On Quality."

The creativity and high quality of output from Video Editing Services has been particularly impressive. They put a lot of emphasis on quality which, as an agency we want for our clients. I truly enjoyed my experience with them.

- Irina Iatco, Innovantu Solutions

"A Lot Of Emphasis On Quality."

The creativity and high quality of output from Video Editing Services has been particularly impressive. They put a lot of emphasis on quality which, as an agency we want for our clients. I truly enjoyed my experience with them.

- Irina Iatco, Innovantu Solutions

More From The Portfolio...

Coach Loai On Toxic Culture

Master essential cooking methods and techniques used by professional chefs, from knife skills to sauce making.


Lunch & Learn Monthly Workshop

Wendy Dickinson of Ascend Coaching Solutions championed her cause regarding advising family-run businesses through these workshops.

Digital Picks & Shovels eClass Tutorial

In a studio setting I explain the opportunities for a video editing service provider.

An Old-Fashioned Way Of Succeeding In Business...

True story and reflections from Video Editing Services' Creative Director.

Creating An Iconic Brand

Direct Marketing Legend Drayton Bird tells the story of how Marlboro cigarettes became world famous.

Client Portfolio

InEssence Video Solutions are building up an impressive client base and asked us to put together the story so far.

And Please Don't Think Of Us As 'Just' The Hired Help...

As a collective we have a pretty good set of marketing 'chops' meaning you will always be able to call on us anytime you need a 2nd or initial opinion.

Below are some videos that we like to share with clients so they further understand we are more than just digital bricklayers.

Video Editing Services Presents
'Teaching' Edits

Principles Strategy Tactics

Many service providers are great at the actual 'thing' but need babysitting as they know little else. Not us!

Two Types of Marketing

And have no fear - we can edit videos for both. Just helps to know which type(s) you prefer.


Too many creatives make the mistake of thinking if they put together a great looking webpage, brochure or video the sales will roll in. Here is why that train of thought is seriously flawed...

What You Really Need To Take From Alex Hormozi

Many service providers are great at the actual 'thing' but need babysitting as they know little else. Not us!

The Beauty Of An Animated Logo...

There is nothing like adding a bit of 'whizz-bang' to your logo during the intro / outro. Below are some animated logo examples we have done for clients.

If you want us to do one for you let us know!

Video Editing Services
Animated Logos

Joe Blaze Productions

Proud partners of Video Editing Services JBP are a production company truly going places...

Get Fit At 50

For a blog dedicated to half-centurions looking to enjoy extended health and happiness.

Gils Goggles

For a motorsport technology client looking to bring virtual reality to the track.

Get Started With Your Own Animated Logo...

A good way for you to get started with Video Editing Services is to send us your logo and let us bring it to life via video animation.

Click Here To Get Started

Before I Let You Go...

Below is an unsuccessful 'audition' video that we're proud of nonetheless!

And Farewell Old Friend...

A tribute to a man who I first met as a youngster

Ready To Get Started?

"A Superb Team."

I'm always on the go and I'm always videoing. Mucha has a superb team that help me when I'm on the go to stay in flow. Thank you guys - keep up the really good work!

- Colin MacLeod, Celtic Fiddle Guru

Got A Specific Requirement?

Final Thoughts...

Thank you for taking the time to visit our webpage. Please bookmark the page and continue to come back, as we will be updating more regularly than before!

The Video Editing Services YouTube channel is another place to see our latest work on a more regular basis.

And finally, if you would like to make an enquiry, you can do so here

Yours in editing!


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Final Thoughts...

Thank you for taking the time to visit our webpage. Please bookmark the page and continue to come back, as we will be updating more regularly than before!

The Video Editing Services YouTube channel is another place to see our latest work on a more regular basis.

And finally, if you would like to make an enquiry, you can do so here

Yours in editing!
